This is where I am supposed to tell you about myself.
Usually this part reads like a resume of education and experience - or any information a therapist thinks you may care about - and usually with all those "therapy" words. But really, I want to let you know the kind of client that I tend to have the most success helping, so that you can make the decision if this is a good fit for you or not. After all, this is about you.
The clients who are the most successful in therapy with me are ones who come ready to work and understand that I’m not going to wave my magic wand and have their problems disappear. I mean, if I could, I would. They appreciate my straightforward approach, and that I don’t tiptoe around their issues. They are motivated and committed to their own growth - even if they don’t know what that looks like yet. They are ready to give up the old habits and old narrative
You are looking for therapy that speaks to you as an individual. You want to be happy, experience growth and to rid yourself of bullshit. Maybe you don't know who you are anymore, you take too much on, especially from others, or you're just feeling “burnt out”.
I keep it real, and sometimes I’m known to let out a few choice words in session. I am all about being vulnerable and authentic. My clients are encouraged to be the same. I will simultaneously cheerlead and challenge you. I love working with people and bearing witness to that 'aha' moment where things just click for them.
Together we will tailor the best course of treatment for you.
Y'all ready for this?

"I Try To Be The Therapist I Want To See."
Individual Counselling
My ideal client is you - someone struggling with their perfectionism, work stress, over-achieving. You may experience "failure to launch" - an inability to just do those things that you know you need to do. Perhaps you are worrying too much about what others are saying or doing, you always find too much drama in relationships and seem to keep dating the same toxic person. Feelings of shame, guilt, inadequacy, anxiety, produced by trauma, addiction, unhealthy relationships, and attachment problems are common in individual counselling.
Women - Perfectly Imperfect
Perfectionism comes from a place of fear - fear of not being good enough, doing enough or that yucky place of shame that people will see the "real" you, or the countless mistakes you think you make. Perfectionism, over-achieving, and care-taking of others generally manifests itself in a childhood of chaos. Maybe not overtly, but there is a reason you feel compelled to take care of everyone else, to perform or be recognized for that performance and the fear of what will happen if others see that on the inside you may really feel insecure, unworthy or perhaps even feel like an imposter.
High-Achiever Burnout
It has nothing to do with the job you have.
You pride yourself on all the things you accomplish - you are GREAT at checking all the boxes. And what's the problem? You get shit done.
The pressure of always being your best, keeping it together for yourself, your partner, and maybe even your kids. Never mind at work too.
You can't find a balance, you feel edgy a lot of the time and are just so tired of all. the. things.
Couples counselling is about working together with an objective third party to co-create or rebuild a foundation to help achieve a strong, deep and positive connection with your partner. I can help the two of you navigate the seemingly scary world of vulnerability and feelings. I aim to support and guide you in learning your partner's language - but even more importantly - to develop better relational skills. After all, you want to learn how to communicate and relate to each other in a loving, kind and understanding way - not just how to fight nicer.

Because You Want To Know What You're Walking Into. Literally.
Bright, casual, low-key, positive-energy vibe. Intentionally discrete and comfortable - a perfect atmosphere for counselling.
This is where your magic happens.