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Non-Waitlist Waitlist Form

This form is to be completed if you are interested in receiving services from Hammond Psychotherapy Services. 




First of all, we are so honoured you've thought of us! Thank you! 


Housekeeping details: 


Please know that this is not a waitlist and does not guarantee access to services but allows us to reach out to you when there is an opening. 


Please know access to service depends on fit and availability. We also cannot guarantee a timeline and always encourage you to continue to seek out a therapist who is a good fit. 


Please Note: The list for couples counselling is currently closed. This page will up updated when it is reopened. We suggest you check out Psychology Today for other couples counselling resources.


Thank you again for your interest in our services and we hope to be in touch soon! 

What is your appointment availability - please indicate all times/days when you could commit to coming for therapy. Please know that this will be a regular thing so choosing a time that you can reliably count on, will be key for you to feel better. 


Please note that there are no evening nor weekend appointments available for the foreseeable future. You will receive services in a more timely fashion if you have a flexible, day time availability. 

I confirm I am available during this time for appointments:

Briefly - what are you looking for help with?


Please know that Hammond Psychotherapy adheres to the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario's standards of practice in ensuring client confidentiality. Please be aware that this form is not on a secure server and others may be able to gain access to this information without Hammond Psychotherapy's, or your knowledge. Therefore, it is advisable to limit this information to practical content only. 

I am looking for:
Who are you looking to see?

If you are looking for an immediate opening and don't mind seeing someone other than Amanda or Darrell, please check out other therapists located in The Armchair Collective by clicking here. 

Do you have insurance coverage for "Psychotherapy" or therapy with a "Registered Psychotherapist"? 


We do not direct bill to insurance, so if you plan on utilizing your insurance it is recommended you contact your plan provider to confirm this as each session cost is $160-$200 tax inclusive. 


This is an investment in yourself and would be a shame if you found out after the fact if you were not prepared to pay out of pocket. 

Select an option:

Would you like to be added to our mailing list? 


We like to send fun emails out monthly with tips and strategies in non-therapy lingo. We also let people know of any openings and will often send some worksheets out or other resources we think may be helpful. 


We will never sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time. 

I know this does not mean I am on a waitlist, nor does it guarantee me access to therapy with Darrell or Amanda. *


2437 Princess Street, Suite 204 Kingston ON, K7M 3G1




Hammond Psychotherapy is located on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and the Huron-Wendat peoples. Land acknowledgments are to recognize the longer history, one predating the establishment of colonialism. It is just a small part of reconciliation and a way to honour and respect Indigenous nations' continued care, practices, and stewardship of the land where people from many backgrounds now reside.

Hammond Psychotherapy Counselling in Kingston for anxiety burnout relationships and self-esteem

© Hammond Psychotherapy. All rights reserved. Built by Brand Ambition.

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